Articles which are prohibited from free trading by the State shall be delivered to and purchased by the relevant units at the price fixed by the State. 国家禁止自由买卖的物品,交有关单位按照国家规定的价格收购。
The delivered price is no greater than the delivered price quoted by a competitor located nearer to the buyer. 这种到货价格不会高于靠近买方的竞争者所报出的到货价。
Therefore, the rising international commodity prices delivered to the domestic market through import channels, causing fluctuations of industrial producer price index ( IPI) and consumer price index ( CPI). 因此,国际大宗商品价格上涨通过进口渠道传递到国内市场,引起国内工业生产者购进价格指数(IPI)、居民消费价格指数(CPI)的波动。
In the short term, 1% appreciation of RMB will lead to import price index 0.2% lower, thus it can be said only a small part of the impact of exchange rate shocks delivered to the import price. 短期内,人民币1%的升值会导致进口价格指数0.2%的降低,因此可以说汇率冲击只有很小一部分传递到进口价格上。
The system of retention of title gets agreement between in buyers and sellers. Although the subject matter is delivered at the buyer, the seller remains the ownership until the buyer pays the price of contract or completes the agreed condition. 所有权保留即买卖双方约定,标的物虽交付于买受人,但在买受人支付买价或完成约定的其他条件之前,标的物的所有权或标的物的转化物仍然山出卖人享有。